Saturday, 2 August 2014


Drawing is basically my only hobby, apart from now blogging i don't really do much else. I normally just draw portraits recently i have been drawing YouTubers, i have to be interested in who or what i'm drawing otherwise i will get bored and the drawing won't look right. It normally takes me up to 2 hours to complete a drawing and i have been drawing since i was about 13/14 years old but i can't remember what made me start drawing but i'm glad that i did. Its my way of taking my mind off of things and just concentrating on something else. 

So here are my drawings: 

These are most of my drawings some i am more proud of then others but i like them all, i have improved a lot over the years and i will continue drawing when i'm older as well, i'm not too sure if i want to do anything with it but for now it is mainly for me.

When i draw i like to draw on certain paper i can't really explain it, but its not like printer paper and its a more of an off white colour i find it easier to blend on this kind of paper. I have a hard back book which i like to draw in and all of these images come from but it is quite pricey, i purchased it from Hobby Craft for about £10 - £15 but it is really good quality and it is more expensive for a hard back book but that's what i wanted at the time and this way i can create a kind of portfolio if i ever do decide to do something with the drawings. Also when i draw i like to sit at my computer desk with the image on screen, i do this because this way i can see the image clearly and its a nice smooth surface to draw on, i don't do this with all of my drawings but most especially with the portrait images. Also i don't use professional pencils i just use cheap pencils i find for me that they are just fine and i get the same result from both. (i am also sorry for the picture quality i don't have a very good camera).

The book i draw in.

The surface i use

The equipment i use


  1. those are amazing and you're so talented! I love the little mermaid one and the one of Zoe!

    1. thank you it takes me FOREVER to finish them

  2. Damn girl you are so talented!
    Antonella <3
